Some blessings


As we return from our gathering to the world may we shine outwardly the light that we have kindled inwardly, a steady light to sustain us and brighten these dark days – a light which continues to burn though this candle is extinguished.

Let us recognise the sacred wherever we encounter it, let us be aware of the divine as it really is; present all around us, let us see ‘that of God’ revealed in the world and made manifest in the ways of the world, and let us ensure that we make manifest in our thoughts, words and deeds, the best and the highest of which we are capable. Amen.

May the light which is within this light,

and the being which is becoming,

and the truth which is emerging

and the love which is all in all

be our guide and sustenance now and forever.

If our journey is to be a complete one, as we travel we must recognise the potential in each moment, we must see the sacred in all people and holiness in every relationship. May we have eyes so to see, hearts to respond and a soul of wonder. Amen

May every blessing be upon you and every heart watch over you,

may the face of heaven shine upon you

and all creation be gracious to you

and may you live in peace. Amen

(adapted from ‘the priestly blessing’: Numbers 6:22-27)


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